Engineering & Transportation
Industrial, Manufacturing & Operational Systems
epub |eng | | Author:Michael Balle & Michael Balle [Balle, Michael]
Dad’s invitation had surprised me, and I did expect a lot of shop talk. Indeed, as I arrived, Phil was already in an animated discussion with a small rotund man ...
( Category:
July 13,2016 )
epub |eng | 2015-06-14 | Author:Renee DiResta, Brady Forrest & Ryan Vinyard [Renee DiResta, Brady Forrest & Vinyard, Ryan]
Figure 8-1. Misfit’s Indiegogo campaign timeline (courtesy of Sonny Vu) Figure 8-2. A detailed schedule of the launch day circled in Figure 8-1 * * * < Bmheight="15 ap height="8" ...
( Category:
August 20,2015 )
epub |eng | 2010-08-22 | Author:Liv Haselbach
FIGURE 5.3.1 Salvaged wood staircase at Cox and Dinkins, Engineers and Surveyors, Columbia, S.C. (Photograph taken June 2007.) FIGURE 5.3.2 Salvaged wood alcove area at Cox and Dinkins, Engineers and ...
( Category:
August 23,2014 )
mobi, epub, pdf |eng | 2013-09-23 | Author:Boutros, Tristan & Purdie, Tim [Boutros, Tristan]
FIGURE 6-17 Knowledge Management LifeCycle NOTE The KM life cycle is repetitive in nature, as are most Process Improvement methods, and is an ongoing activity. Benefits of Knowledge Management Knowledge ...
( Category:
Quality Control
April 28,2014 )
epub |eng | 2013-08-01 | Author:Stuart G. McCrady
7.7 Sample PLCD for Pump Station In Appendix ‘C’, there is a sample PCLD for a High Lift or Treated Water Station of a water treatment plant; this PCLD describes ...
( Category:
Robotics & Automation
March 26,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2011-07-12 | Author:Eliyahu M. Goldratt
17 “Thank you, Daddy.” Sharon kisses me on the cheek, takes her barely opened gift and goes to her room. “What’s with her?” I ask. “It’s nothing.” Dave is busy ...
( Category:
March 25,2014 )
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